As humans, we're stressed out with so many things in our lives, and some suffer silently. They rely on youtube preachers and anyone giving them false hope or distracting them from the pains of life. Many experience anxiety, addiction, or loneliness. Some are consumed with fame (being somebody), money (stuff), or pride. We worry about loved ones, children/grandchildren, and some are comfortable with the discomfort of their circumstances. I remember years ago talking to a client of mine, she was going through all types of hurtful things in her life. So I shared my testimony and offered Jesus as the answer. She was moved to tears, however she replied "Kim I'm not ready for all that, I need to get myself right before I consider turning my life over to God. I don't want to be a hypocrite". I told her I thought the same thing and I agree that some receive God with no thought of transforming/changing their lives. They bring their pain with them, intentionally or unintentionally hurting others because that's all they know (church hurt comes from these folks), so I understood. I further stated that my pain became greater than my circumstances, so in desperation I turned to him. Had I been able to clean myself up, I never would have turned to God. Sometimes God allows certain things in our lives so that we'll run to him like a hurt baby runs to it's parent looking for comfort. Finally, I reminded her that when her pain takes a desperate turn (and it will), read Matthew 11:28-30. He says to "COME TO ME". Another scripture that's misused by many in the church is "COME AS YOU ARE". This story that I'm sharing with you is the true meaning of that scripture. God is talking about your heart, not your outward garments, so allow him to do the cleansing. I'm a true witness that he's looking for a broken contrite heart to mend and clean up. He loves you, so run to him and not to the men who use God's words for clicks and views, look to YESHUA.


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